ePublishing Knowledge BaseContinuumCreating and Sending eNewslettersHow do I make my newsletters have different header images?

How do I make my newsletters have different header images?

Before beginning, please check with your project manager to ensure that this option is available on your platform.

To begin, you will need to know the name of the file the system is set to recognize.

1. Go to your newsletter in the Newsletter Manager and select Edit Newsletter.

2. Select Layout Options

3. You will need to know the name of the zone where your header lives. In this example it is called: logo.path

In the value section you will see your header file name. The Value field shows the name that header image should be saved as.

CAUTION: Do not alter the content in any of the fields. Doing so can cause an error on your website.

2. Upload a header image with the SAME name into the "/newsletter-banners/" folder in the Media Manager.

3. To view your change, open a new issue of your newsletter and go to the Layout tab. Your new header should appear here.