How do I change or update the navigation on my website?
You control the navigation on your website, including the main nav, typically at the top of your website, and the footer.
To access the Navigation menu on your Dashboard, click on Editorial and select Navigation.
For example, if you wanted to update this navigation on your website, you would use the Navigation Manager.
Or this navigation, which is in the footer:
After you have gone to the Navigation Manager, hover over the Navigation Menu you'd like to edit and click on the edit icon.
The main Navigation Menu is typically called "main," but please check with your Solutions Manager if you have any questions. Footer is usually designated as "Footer." Other navigation items may be unique to your website.
For this example, we'll update the main navigation. After selecting the "Main Navigation" menu, your page will look like this:
To add a new link, click the plus sign at the top of the menu.
A sidebar will appear where you can name your menu item and a link. Fill these out and click "Save Changes."
To create a new sub menu item, or child item hover over your main navigation link and click on the plus sign. Fill out the side bar as you did with the main navigation item above.
You can edit the name and url of any of these items by hovering over them and clicking on the edit icon.
To arrange or rearrange your menu links, click and hold on the three-line icon on the left and drag into the position in which you would like your link to appear.
If the URL of the page is internal, as most are, you will not need to include your site's domain.
If you'd like your link to open in a new window, select Open in New Window.
Generally, Site Placement and Image are not used with navigation, but each is highly site-specific.
When you are finished, click Save.
To hide the link in your navigation, you must click Hidden? when you are finished editing, then hit save. This may be preferred to deleting or changing an existing navigation item as you may want to reactivate a particular link in the future.
To edit an existing navigation item:
Hover over the navigation item you'd like to update and click the edit icon.
Edit the text under Title, and update the URL if needed. Click Save.