How do I pin hidden product fields to the editor?

In order to save clutter in the right column of the product editor, lesser-used fields are hidden under the Show More Fields box.
To select a field to appear in the right column, click Show More Fields, check the fields of interest and then click Show More Fields again to close the dropdown.
In general, these fields are not "sticky" and will not display in new products by default unless they are "pinned" to the right column using a system setting (introduced in August 2022).
As a Super Admin User with Site Setting permissions, you can determine which of the following fields to pin by default.
Navigate to Advanced > Settings and then to
Enter one or more of the following items in the Value column to pin the field to the right column of the product editor.
Separate fields with a comma and a space as show here:
keywords, internalId, externalId, weight, taxable, shippable, maxQuantity, emailContent
In the image above, "taxable" and "external ID" will be pinned and will always appear in the right column and not in the Show More Fields box unless the system setting is changed.
The Show More Fields box still works as described above for occasional fields that do not need to clutter up the right column.