How do I add videos from YouTube or files from corporate servers to be easily used on my website?
The ePublishing Media Manager allows you to host or connect with your files or corporate Digital Asset Management systems.
For example, YouTube and Vimeo videos can be uploaded as remote files and your system will automatically use those video players when you associate the videos with an article. If you have a video player from a different video solution, such as BrightCove, talk with your Solutions Manager.
1. Within the Media Manager, click Upload Files at the top.

2. Chose a file to upload.
Learn more about uploading media directly in the article: How do I upload new media, such as photos, videos and files?
2.1. To associate an external link, click on "or add a remote source?" A window will pop up.

2.2. You may use this feature to associate videos hosted on YouTube or Vimeo. Select your file type, and paste the URL path of the file you wish to link to.

Remote files may only be video, audio or general files, such as a PDF, but not images.
2.3 Click Save Changes