How do I limit/restrict the number of categories readers can select when purchasing or editing Directory Listings?
You can easily adjust the number of categories readers can select when purchasing or editing their directory listings by changing a System Setting. You can make it as few or as many as you'd like them to have.
Go to Dashboard > Advanced > Settings
Once there, the following settings can be adjusted to your preference:
For basic/free listings:
The System Setting is called "directory.basic.taxonomy.selection.count"
To adjust, click Edit, change the number in the Value field, click Save.
Note: The Value field must not be left blank or it will be interpreted as 0.
For premium/paid listings:
The System Setting is called "directory.premium.taxonomy.selection.count"
To adjust, click Edit, change the number in the Value field, click Save.
Note: The Value field must not be left blank or it will be interpreted as 0.
If you don't see these System Settings, contact your Solutions Manager and they can adjust to your liking.