How do I add Subscription Privileges to access user data via an API?
Below are the steps for allowing a user to access your user database via an API.
1. In the User Manager, create a new user or find an existing user in the User Manager under Marketing in your dashboard.

2. After opening the user's record scroll down to Privileges.

3. Select API-User Read and/or API-User Write by clicking the box next to each.
- API-User Read: Allows the user to read information about users from the API.
- API-User Write: Allows the user to write to update / create users to the API.
By granting a user both privileges, they will be able to perform all actions possible via the User API.

4. Click Save Changes
5. To the right of Privileges you'll see Roles.

6. Select Basic Admin User under Roles.

7. Access the API URL to verify access.
Below is a sample URL to verify Read privileges:
Please ask your solutions manager if you have any questions.