ePublishing Knowledge BaseContinuumWelcome to ContinuumDashboard Widget - Google Analytics View

Dashboard Widget - Google Analytics View

ePublishing has created a feature for adding your Google Analytics views to your Continuum dashboard.

Getting a view to show up requires that you add a specific Continuum user as a Viewer in your Google Analytics Admin account, and configure a few system settings.

Note - this article assumes that you already have a Google Analytics account with a Universal (UA-1234567-xx) property that is set on your website either directly or through Google Tag Manager

Set up the Continuum user account:

Access your Google Analytics account and click on the Admin link at the bottom of the page.

Select Account Access Management to add a user and then on the + Add users link

Add the user:
[email protected]

Select Viewer

Click  Add

This will allow this user to access your Google Analytics view and display it on the Continuum dashboard.

In Continuum, login and access System settings, and enter:

Continuum.ga.account.id - enter your account ID - ex. 1234567

Continuum.ga.universal.property.id - enter your full UA ID - ex. UA-1234567-1

Instructions for GA4 setup to come.

Note - if you have multiple views within your property they will all appear in Continuum.


Go [yourdomain].continuum.epublishing.com/analytics to see a snapshot of your view. You can select a date range. The default is one week.

Add to your Dashboard as a widget

To view the analytics information on your dashboard, set the dashboard.widget.ga.enabled System Setting to true.

Set Permissions

By default, only users with Super Admin  User permissions can see the analytics. You can add the Dashboard (Analytics Access) privilege to users individually in their user account, or to a Role (see KB).