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Answers: How Do I Manage My Website?
ePublishing Knowledge Base
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ePublishing Knowledge Base
Article Manager
How do I manage Canonical Tags?
How do I manage Canonical Tags?
See our full Knowledge Base article on
managing Canonical Tags here.
Canonical tag management
How do I add a source for an article?
How to Create and Manage Content on Your Website
Welcome to Continuum
Dashboard Widget - Global Messaging
Dashboard Widget - Google Analytics View
Dashboard Widget - Recently Edited Content
Article Manager
How do I create an article?
How do I search for and edit existing articles?
How do I use the Bulk Actions toolbar in the Article Manager?
How do I unpublish an article?
How do I preview an article before publishing?
How do I paginate an article?
How do I assign site placement for articles?
How do I add and edit a Blog?
How do I create a blog post?
How do I format content?
How do I delay the publication of an article or blog post?
How do I change the URL of an article or blog post?
How do I find and edit an existing author?
How do I create a new author?
How do I delete an author?
Disable Add Author In Article Manager
How do I manage comments?
How do I control my comments? Can I moderate them?
How do I limit spam in comments?
How do I create a unique URL for my landing page?
How do I change the order of questions in a poll?
How do I unpublish an existing editorial content block?
How do I place an article or blog post in a featured position?
How do I set the order of articles and other content associated with a specific taxonomy association using the Site Placement Manager?
How do I set the size of an infographic on my website for optimal readability?
How do I print the article from my website in either preview mode or after it is published?
How do I create whitepapers or other downloads requiring reader information or registration?
How do I spellcheck my articles when entering them in the Article Manager?
How to create an article that redirects to another website or sponsor
How do I order blogs on the Blog Landing page (/blogs)?
How do I add a video to body of my article?
How do I lock an article to requiring a reader login, register, or have a current subscription?
Canonical tag management
How do I manage Canonical Tags?
How do I add a source for an article?
How do I associate PDFs, photos, video and other media with articles or blog posts?
How do I edit an existing editorial content block?
How do I insert an image or video into an article or blog post?
How do I add an image caption or photo credit within the body of an article?
How can an article be the full width of the site?
How do I add an image slideshow to an article?
How do I duplicate an article?
How do I add special characters in the WYSIWYG editor?
How do I apply a special style class to content on the site?
What Content Is on the Version 2 (v2) Topics Landing Page Template?
How to Implement File Locking
How do I add an article to a Newsletter Issue or Publication Edition from the Article editor?
How do I pin hidden article fields to the editor?
How do I work with Article Templates?
How do I control what shows up on an author bio page?
Taxonomy To Keyword & SEO Keyword Tool
How do I set up Slack integration?
How do I filter and tag articles by keywords?
Optimizing Articles, Posts and Other Content (SEO)
How do I use the SEO tools?
Search Engine Optimization: Help Me Understand It
Automatic Image Optimization
Adding Structured Data to Content
How do I use the Metadata tool?
How can I automatically update the Metadata when making changes to Articles and Events?
Hide Metadata Keywords In Site Headers
RSS Feeds
How do I create an RSS feed with multiple topics/taxonomies?
How do I create an RSS feed for a single topic?
How do I create an RSS feed with full bodies for the articles included?
Creating and Sending eNewsletters
How do I set up a newsletter?
How do I create an eNewsletter issue?
How do I test an eNewsletter issue?
How do I send an eNewsletter issue?
How do I publish my newsletter issue to my website?
How do I make my newsletters have different header images?
How do I send a welcome email to new registrants?
How can I send a newsletter by copying and pasting to my Email Service Provider?
Omail Integration Information
Pending Mailings / Newsletter Status Codes
What are the newsletter Layout Options?
How do I link Newsletter Articles to other URLs
How do I add a Newsletter Preheader?
How do I add classifieds to a newsletter issue?
Site Placement and Navigation Manager
Navigation Manager Overview & How the Navigation Manager is Used
What You Can Do with the Navigation Manager
How do I change or update the navigation on my website?
How do I add a navigation link for my landing page?
How do I select related articles, blog posts, listings, events, products and more to appear next to my article?
How do I create a dynamic topic-based landing page?
How do I create a redirect?
How do I create topic links on article pages?
How do I present recent articles by an author?
How do I create a landing page?
How do I create a unique URL for my landing page?
How do I create a landing page that includes content from multiple topics based on taxonomy?
Creating & Managing Directories & Buyers Guide
How do I create a new directory listing?
How do I approve or edit a customer-submitted directory listing?
How do I create a new directory category?
How do I display different tabs on my directory listings for different types of content?
How do I create custom directory listing details that will appear on my directory listing?
How do I allow existing paid directory listings to upgrade or renew?
My website emails form data with attachments to me. Is there a recommended file-size limit we should notify readers about?
How do I enable comments on directory listings?
How do I control who receives notifications in my company when new directory listings are purchased?
How do I control who receives notifications in my company when directory listings are updated?
How do I control who receives notifications when directory listings expire?
How do I delete or hide a directory on my website?
How do I edit an existing directory listing (back-end)?
What are the field validators for Directory API imports?
How do I use the Request for Quote (RFQ) Form?
How do I limit/restrict the number of categories readers can select when purchasing or editing Directory Listings?
How do I allow users to search directory listings by location?
How do I allow users to search directory listings by location?
How do I use the multi-listing request for quote (RFQ) feature for directories on my site?
How do I require users to log in to submit a directory listing?
How do I work with Directory Templates?
Creating and Managing Events
How do I create an event?
How do I create a registration form for an event?
How do I add sponsors to an event?
How do I manually add a new event attendee?
How do I export an event attendee list as a CSV/Excel-friendly file?
How do I market to event registrants?
How do I change the order of custom event details?
How do I review the list of attendees who have registered for an event?
How do I control which attendee information is required for event registration?
What are the taxonomies associated with events and what do they control?
How do I create group sales discounts for events?
How do I add a link on my event page to a third-party registration website?
How do I preview my event landing page?
How do I search for an event?
How do I delete an event?
How do I remove sidebars or unrelated content on an event page?
How do I create custom event details that will appear on my event page?
How do I add new sections/navigation to my event's landing page?
How do I work with Event Templates?
Creating, Managing & Selling Products
Offer Manager Overview & How Offers Are Used
How do I create discount codes or offers?
How do I create a new product?
How do I create a Classifieds or job listing?
How do I create and update shipping rates?
How do I use the price classifications when creating a product?
How do I create bulk or quantity discounts for products?
How do I create a product out of an article?
How do I use metering, which allows readers to access a set number of articles for free before paying?
How do I sell a PDF or other file as a product?
How do I add sales tax?
How do I create product bundles?
How do I create product variations?
How do I change the “Thank You” messages that appear on my website's order confirmation page?
How do I customize the confirmation email message and online order receipt sent after my customer orders for a specific product?
I want to have flat rates for international shipping, regardless of country. How do I do that?
Can I be notified if an order transaction fails? How?
What do I do with an order transaction failure notification?
How do you handle fraudulent orders?
I've reviewed a failed order. How do I grant the customer access to what they bought?
How do I find order transactions that failed?
Why doesn't my product connect to the Shopping Cart?
Does shipping weight for a bundled product get automatically calculated?
How does the ePublishing system determine whether to send the user their order confirmation in Spanish?
Failed Orders and Multipub Integrations
How do I make sure customers create an account or are logged-in when buying products?
Why is my product requiring a user login when it gets added to the cart?
How do I give a user who has purchased a product made up of multiple downloadable files access to those files?
Managing Recommended Products in Shopping Cart
How do I access store orders and download them?
How do I manage store orders?
How do I create or edit a publication?
How do I create a new edition or issue of a publication?
How do I share an article with a partner or advertiser before it is live on the site?
How do I create an event product?
How to Pass an Offer Code to your Users via a URL
eCommerce Multi-currency functionality
How do I work with Product Templates?
How do I pin hidden product fields to the editor?
Creating, Managing & Selling Subscriptions
How do I create a subscription product?
How do I create a subscription product using the new subscription form (with license options)?
How do I create an individual subscription product using the new subscription form?
How do I create a recurring billing / automatically renewing subscription product?
How do I create a standard free trial?
How do a I create a trial that converts to an active subscription?
How do I turn Buy It Again on or off?
Why can't a reader see his payment information in his order history on our website?
How do I setup a site license for a group?
Associating IP Addresses to Site License Groups
How do I make a user a universal group administrator for site licenses?
How do I setup a site license group administrator using /admin/licenses?
How do I use the group administration tools to add a brand new user to a site license group?
How do I use the group administration tools to add an existing user to a site license group?
How does a user associate themselves to a site license group with the form on my website?
How do I use the group administration tools to disassociate a user from a group?
How do I export Site License Group Users?
How do I update Site Licenses in bulk?
User Manager: Creating Admin Roles & Privileges
How do I change a reader's password?
How do I add a new editor?
How do I add or modify a role?
How do I remove a user from having access to the admin tools?
Add Privileges to Existing Users
How do I create a new Admin user?
How do I impersonate a user so I can see what they see?
User Profiles & Registration Forms
How do I add a subscription to a reader's profile?
How do I turn the right rail on or off on a user's profile?
How Are Product IDs Setup in the order receipt?
What can my users find on the updated Profile > Purchased Content tab?
Is it possible to have my logo display on the Invoice page?
What are the differences between the old Order History tab and the new Past Orders tab on readers' account profiles?
How can a reader print an invoice for a past order?
How do readers access the new Purchased Content page?
How do I restrict individual video or audio files from being downloaded on the Purchased Content Page?
How do I turn on or off the user registration email?
How do I make my forms internationally friendly
User API
How does the Forgot Password Feature work?
How do I strengthen my site's password requirements?
User & Subscription API
How do I add User Privileges to access user data via an API?
How Do I Access the User API Documentation?
How Do I Access the User API?
Subscription API
How do I add Subscription Privileges to access user data via an API?
How Do I Access the Subscription API Documentation?
How Do I Access the Subscription API?
Introduction to GraphQL
About This Guide
What are the standard ePublishing templates for a website? How can I see them on my website?
Why am I seeing an old or incorrect version of my website on STAGE?
How do I use my website's staging environment to test changes before pushing a change live?
My Stage Admin tools or website are down. Should I submit an emergency support desk ticket?
Managing the Website
How can I control my 404 or Page Not Found page?
How do I control which default image is shared with social media?
How do I confirm my site on Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, Pinterest and other sites?
How do I clear the cache on my site? I need to get a fix up quickly!
How do I add the cookie policy notification to my site?
How does my site use cookies? We have to write a cookie policy.
How do I update the cookie policy notification message?
What do I need to provide Continuum to purchase or renew an SSL certificate for my site?
Example of Comment / Community Guidelines
How do I add and manage my Keyword list?
How do I manage the Publish At date/time?
How do I create interstitial ads on Google Doubleclick for Publishers?
What are common online ad sizes, per the IAB Display Advertising Guidelines?
How do I find out whether my ads are loading properly from Google DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP)?
Resources for learning DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP)
How do I setup ads in Google Ad Manager (GAM) for Publishers?
3rd Party Ad Management Support
(GAM) Google Ads Manager - Key-value Ads Targeting Implementation
Creating and updating Ads.txt
Google Ad Manager (formerly DFP) - How to create ad codes for newsletter shortcodes
Common Questions
How do I search by ID?
I created a new edition of my publication. Why can't I see it on the site?
How do I get my site listed on Google News?
Which email clients support responsive newsletters sent by the website?
Which email clients are supported by my newsletters sent by the site?
How do I find out which browsers are supported by my website?
How are Most Popular / Most Viewed articles determined? It seems to be different from Google Analytics.
How do I get rid of the "overweight cart" message?
What do I do if my website is loading slowly or isn't loading at all?
Why is a deleted article / event / product still showing up in my site's search results?
Why can't I add a file to the Media Manager? I've been able to in the past.
How does the content recommendation engine work, and how do I adjust the factors that drive it?
My site isn't updating as quickly as I think it should when I add new content. Why?
My site is on stage and I need to access locked (requires log-in) articles, how can I do this?
What are valid test credit card numbers I can use to test my shopping cart?
What are best practices associated with Retina Display / high-definition (HD) images and your website?
Can I change the order of the items in the right rail based on the page I'm on?
Help! I can't get into the Admin tools with my login!
How do I grant access to ePublishing to access my Google Analytics?
What are integrations?
Why and how should I reduce the size of my images before uploading them to my website?
How do I control posts on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook?
How do I use the New User Activation feature?
How can ePublishing help me comply with CCPA?
How do I upgrade to reCAPTCHA v3?
How do I send webmaster emails to multiple recipients?
How do I create custom fields?
How do I update javascript files on my website?
How do I create a newsletter sign-up form (manually)?
How do I use the form mailer?
How do I remove taxonomies that won't stay deleted?
How do the automatic related widgets on my site work?
Can I prevent my website from being included on Google, Bing and other search engines? What are my options?
I need users to return to a specific page once they've successfully logged in.How do I create a login return URL?
A/B Testing with Optimizely
Can our whole site be delivered through SSL (HTTPS) like Google suggests?
The Truth About Full-site SSL Conversion Search Engine Performance and Ranking Drop
How do I restore a taxonomy that has disappeared?
How do the related widgets on my site work?
AMP: Activation and Management of Accelerated Mobile Pages
How does my website determine search results? How does the site search functionality work?
How do I delete poll questions?
How do I create a poll?
How do I search for a poll?
How do I remove a poll from the website?
How do I add or edit questions in a poll?
How do I delete a poll?
How do I view poll results?
How do I change the order of questions in a poll?
How do I add topics and categories to my website's taxonomy?
Media Manager
How do I insert an image into an article or blog post?
How do I upload new media, such as photos, videos and files?
Is there a file size limit for files uploaded to the Media Manager?
How do I upload multiple images at the same time to the Media Manager?
What are some lessons on adding podcasts to my website?
How do I create an image gallery / photo gallery?
How do I find remote files I added from YouTube, corporate digital asset management servers and other locations?
How do I add videos from YouTube or files from corporate servers to be easily used on my website?
How do I upload a new video?
How do I quickly select an image in the media manager without opening the file?
How do I add a podcast episode to my site?
How do I add or create a new podcast on my website?
Videos: Optional Features
How do I access the Media Manager?
Searching For Media By Date Range
Offer Manager
Offer Types
Apply an Offer to Specific Products
Apply Offer in Product Manager
Google Tag Manager
Olytics Integration
Google Tag Manager & Analytics Enhancements
Content Import/Export
What is NewsML?
How do I add User Privileges to access articles via an API in the NewsML-G2 format?
How do I export XML-Feed content for articles and blog posts?
What are all of the possible routes and filters available for the content export XML feed?
When articles have supplemental publication data
How are non-alphanumeric characters handled in the XML, e.g., & and % and the copyright symbol
How can I use the article export?
For the NewsML Feed, what if I want to allow more than 50 articles in a single feed?
Common Responsive Design Questions
I need to add a iFrame code to my article or page manager page. When I do, it breaks the article. How do I fix this?
Why do my images look squished in the body of my article, blog posts, landing page or other content?
What do I need to consider with responsive ads and downsizing ads for tablet and mobile?
How do I show content in tables on my responsive site?
I need to add a YouTube / Vimeo / iFrame code to my article. When I do, it breaks the article. How do I fix this?
Common Third-Party Plug-in or Partner Questions
How do I turn on Paypal Payflow Pro for my website?
How do I use comment on an InVision-shared design?
BeaconLive Webinars with ePublishing Event Integration
How do I enable MP4 streaming on my website?
How do I require a user to submit a lead generation form in order to watch a video on my site?
Above the Fold
How do I update the podcast image / text overlay?
Data Imports
Directories API
Directories XML API
Web Accessibility
What is Web Accessibility?
How to set up workflow
How to use workflow
Workflow features within articles
Marketing Tools
Setting up a lead generation form for PDFs and videos
AI Editorial Tools
AI Editorial Tools List
Enabling AI Editorial Tools
AI Question For Content Prompt
AI Headlines Tool
AI Images
AI Keywords
AI Meta Descriptions For SEO
Managing Robot And Crawlers
Self Serve Robots.txt Entries
Blocking AI Crawler Robots
Last Updated
Feb 10, 2020