How do I create custom fields?
Custom fields allow you to add more to your site beyond what's out of the box. You can add more information and use these forms to help you gather more information from your customers, specific to your needs.
You can access the custom fields manager under Advanced in you Dashboard.
1. Create a new Form Group first for the tool that you wish to add custom fields to. In this example we'll create one for Products.
Click on the plus to add a new Form Group. A Side window will pop up.
- Add a title for your field.
- Add a description.
- You can add an image.
- If you want this created but do not want it available yet, check Hidden?
- Check Selectable? so that it is available to click on in product manager (or which ever manager your adding this custom field in.)
- Click Save Changes
Your Form Group will show up here.
2. Create a Custom Field. Click on your new form group and click on "+ Add Custom Field."
Fill in the Internal name for your reference and then the Display Name and Display Message. This will be customer facing.
Next, chose your Value Type and Field Type (when you choose this you'll have other fields to fill out depending on the field type you choose). Also, set your Max Values.
Note - For Field Type: Text
- Value Type - the type of value allowed to be entered for that field (Text, String, Decimal, Integer).
- Field Type - the type of field you wish your users to supply their input (Text, Text Area, Selection, Checkbox, Radio)
- Length - the length of the value allowed in the field (Text field specific)
- Validation Pattern - The pattern attribute of an HTML field such as <input> e.g. a 3 letter country code might be "[A-Za-z]{3}" (Text field specific)
- Validation Failure Message - The message to show if the pattern failed against the user input (Text field specific)
- Default Value - The default value of a form field. (Text and Text Area specific)
- Max Values Allowed — for checkboxes or a multi-select, this limits the number of options you can choose.
Check Active if you want this live now and check Required if you want this to be a required field before you customer can submit.
By default this form will sort itself under the form group you created it in but you can add this custom field to the others in this group.
When you're done, hit Save.
3. Using your custom field in the Product Manager. You can follow these steps for the other managers (article, event, etc.) where custom fields are available.
Go to the Product Manager and find the Product you wish to deploy your Custom Field on. At the bottom of your product you'll see an option that says "+ Add A Custom Field Group."
Click on that and a drop-down menu will appear. You can select the name of your Custom Field Group there and it will then populate in the Product Manager. Hit Save.