How do I strengthen my site's password requirements?
This article reflects the process for sites that use the ePublishing login for their website and the Continuum EPS.
By default, user passwords on your website are required to be a minimum of 6 characters, with at least one digit and one lower-case letter. As of July 2022, password requirements can be changed in System Settings in Continuum.
Access Advanced > Settings and search or filter for Password

The following settings will control the password requirements on the website. To change the values, click in the value field, make the change and click out of the value field.

What happens on my website?
When the System Setting "password.requirement.message.displayed" is changed to 'true' the user will see a message on the User Registration and User Profile page with the password requirements.

Your website may need an update to the registration form to show the password requirement message. Please reach out to your Project Manager if the message doesn't show up after changing the system setting.
If a user does not create a password that matches the system settings, an error message will be displayed when saving the registration, similar to the one shown below.

Password compliance in manually added users
If you are setting up a user or changing a user's password directly in Continuum (described here), you will be required to follow the same password rules.